

I wrote an article for those of you who speak German about experimental airplane projects in USA. It was published in the OUV yearbook 2024. The OUV is an organization in Germany that assists aircraft homebuilders with their projects. It also happens to be an EAA chapter.


January 2025

I went flying locally in this quite chilly January weather.

I admired the 3 tough pilots that visited our airport in their open cockpit airplanes.

They had flown over from Lodi, which is a short hop for me but a long cross country in these very slow machines. They told me that they often landed the two amphibious Quicksilvers on the nearby lake. In summer, that is hard to beat for fun.


January 2025

I finally got around to flying in 2025 in Caro 1, after a rainy and foggy period. This was just a local flight. It looked hazy to the south and west, but clear in the other directions.


December 2024

I added a new page to my web site showing a selection of my paintings. The link is in the header.
